Adopt A Village Project

The Village Adoption Project, initiated by the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation, aims to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in rural areas through a thematic approach, as envisioned by Government of India through the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. The project seeks to address the socio-economic and environmental challenges faced by villages, and create sustainable and self-reliant communities. By adopting a holistic and integrated approach, the project focuses on nine key themes to achieve comprehensive development in the target villages.


Project Objectives: 

The Project Aims to Achieve the Following Objectives:

  • Alleviate poverty and enhance livelihood opportunities in the adopted village.
  • Improve the health and well-being of villagers, including access to healthcare services and sanitation facilities.
  • Create child-friendly environments that promote education, nutrition, and overall development.
  • Ensure access to clean and sufficient water for all villagers.
  • Promote environmental sustainability through clean and green practices.
  • Develop self-sufficient infrastructure to support the village’s economic growth.
  • Establish a socially secure and just community that addresses social inequalities.
  • Promote good governance practices at the village level.
  • Empower women and create gender-responsive communities.

Project Roadmap:

 The project will be implemented in multiple phases, each focusing on specific aspects of development. The roadmap is as follows:

Phase 1: Needs Assessment and Village Selection

  • Engage with local communities to select one village for adoption based on criteria such as readiness for change, community participation, and potential impact.
  • Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the challenges and potential of the villages.

Phase 2: Resource Mapping and Project Planning

  • Conduct a detailed baseline survey to gather data on the current socio-economic and environmental conditions of the adopted village.
  • Utilize mapping tools to visually represent the village’s infrastructure, natural resources, social networks, and economic activities.


Phase 3: Implementation and Capacity Building

  • Establish a project team consisting of experts, community workers, and volunteers.
  • Implement specific interventions under each theme, tailored to the needs of the adopted village.
  • Conduct capacity-building workshops and training programs to empower community members and build local leadership.

Phase 4: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

  • Regularly monitor the progress of the project and assess its impact on the targeted themes.
  • Conduct periodic evaluations to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Promote learning and knowledge sharing through workshops, conferences, and publications.

” As we embark on this transformative journey, we invite you to join hands with us. Your support, be it through financial contributions, expertise, or spreading awareness, will play a pivotal role in making the Adopt A Village Initiative a resounding success. Together, we can turn the dreams of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and Mahatma Gandhi into a reality, and through our collective efforts, build a brighter and more equitable future for all.”

Apply Here to adopt a village